Should I launch an Online Course

course launch Dec 17, 2019

If you are in the online space and are a service provider you have probably come into contact with one of the biggest dilemmas service based businesses have, time! How do you scale a business when you literally have no more time? 


This is something I run into pretty often as an Online Business Manager and the most recent solution is creating an online course. However, in an ever growing space, online courses need to be done correctly and marketed effectively in order to be worth the time and money investment. You also can’t come to the table with a “build it and they will come” attitude, it just doesn’t work that way. So I am going to provide you with some tips to help you determine if creating an online course is the right move for you and your business! 

First things first, come up with 3 topics you could create a course around. For example, if you are a business coach, you might have a course on social media strategy or how to gain more...

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200 Tasks For Your Team

This list will tell you what to delegate and who to assign it to! Use this as a brainstorming tool to help you come up with a list of tasks for your current team members or use it as a starting point for a job description. Whatever you choose, this list will help you delegate like the CEO you are! Fill out to form to get your copy.